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At the Back of the North Wind

Length: 63 min.

Ages/Content: preteen - adult; mild dramatic themes

Release: 2024


Follow young Diamond on her journey with the mysterious North Wind and take flight on a "totally rad" 1980s musical fantasy adventure filled with synth music, roller skates, and a retro-style supernatural allegory that explores theodicy- that is, why a loving God allows evil to exist in the world. This is a confusing concept that keeps many people from having a relationship with God, and the question is deeply explored in a humorous, exciting, thought-provoking, and ultimately heart-rending presentation.

Another entry in YC's series of films based on the extraordinary works of George MacDonald, which also include Phantastes and The Golden Key.


At the Back of the North Wind

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Why does God allow bad things to happen? We've all asked that question before. For the Christian, it can be a difficult concept to grasp. And for the non-Christian, it is often the very question that keeps them from experiencing the reality of God's salvation through Jesus Christ. That one thought, I can't believe in a God who would allow these bad things in my life. MacDonald's novel touches upon it and the YC film dives headlong into this critical exploration of why both good and evil exist, and how you can trust God even when you don't understand.

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